
Looking for a Tech job in the Netherlands? Dutch Circle does things a little different, we are founded by developers, we build websites and apps but also let companies hire our talent. Interested?

Contact us


Hello, welcome developer, UX/UI designer! Great you found us. We are very excited to meet and add you to our growing team.

Dutch Circle is founded by developers. Maurits, our CEO has been working as a developer for 20 years for multinationals in The Netherlands, Germany and the United States. Negotiating, selling yourself was the thing he disliked the most and this is specifically why we wanted to help other developers with this aspect. See him as your agent. He and the other team members at Dutch Circle are there to help you find your dream job, permanent or as freelancer.

How can I join?

We like to schedule a 30 min meeting with you. Contact us or schedule a meeting with the founder directly. Bare in mind we can't help with Visa.
Contact us